This newsletter is our last monthly update. But don't worry, we'll still keep you in the loop (just not as regularly!) as we finish up preparing Waitematā Station (Britomart) for the CRL.
If you want more CRL content, subscribe to Tunnel Vision - our monthly project wide newsletter - here.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email the team at
Station plaza and Tyler Street upgrade
The temporary Waitematā Station (Britomart) plaza building has now been dismantled, to make way for the upgraded plaza that will be coming soon.
Soon, Auckland Transport will commence some repair work to the outside of the glass house in the plaza.
Auckland Council are currently in the procurement process to identify the construction partner that will upgrade the Waitematā Station (Britomart) plaza and Tyler Street (completing the section between Te Komititanga and Commerce Street). Auckland Council plan to begin work on site in May.
To stay up to date with this project, please subscribe to Auckland Council’s Downtown Programme e-newsletter, this newsletter will be the source of information for Waitematā Station (Britomart) Plaza and Tyler Street from now on.
Find out more
For information about Waitematā Station (Britomart) and Quay Park Yard works click here.
How to contact the wider Waitematā Station (Britomart) team:
If you have any questions or concerns about our works, please email the Waitematā Station (Britomart) teamat or phone us on 0800 CRL TALK (275 8255) and press option 1 for Waitematā Station (Britomart) work.
Noho ora mai, The Waitematā Station (Britomart) Team