Our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy sets out our vision for the safe and harm free delivery of City Rail Link.
Informing how we work each day.
We recognise and respect - our obligations to protect and enhance the environment in which we work.
City Rail Link Ltd and Link Alliance aspire to achieve industry leading standards for health, safety and wellbeing. Our strategy sets out what this means in practice, and what values we adopt to guide us in our pursuit of that vision.
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2024
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“We’re committed to drive lasting changes in safety and health”.
“The delivery of CRL provides an important opportunity to set new standards in health, safety & wellbeing for the New Zealand construction industry.
There has been amazing progress made in recent years to deliver lasting improvements to safe working practices, but we know there is always more to be done, and we can never be complacent. Too often, workers are seriously injured on construction sites.
There have been numerous immeasurable tragedies for families, for friends and for colleagues. We know that everyone has the right to go home safely at the end of each day.”
City Rail Link Ltd and Link Alliance are committed to working with industry to leave a great legacy in the management of health, safety & wellbeing in large infrastructure projects.
“Mahia te mahi, hei painga hei oranga mo tātou katoa’ (To do the work for the good of everyone) and the Link Alliance Charter ‘Hui ē tāiki ē, Pono tauutuutu, Aroha tauutuutu, Marohi te tū (We are one team, We are accountable, We care, We inspire) set out and guide our strategy. ”
We will adopt practices which allow us to learn from where things have gone wrong, as well as where they have gone well. We will look to use safety improvements which have proven to be successful elsewhere, and to build on them further. We will place active consideration on health, safety & wellbeing at the heart of every decision. It will be evident in our actions, our thoughts and our behaviours.”
Fundamentally, the responsibility for the safe delivery of City Rail Link lies with everyone that is involved, in whatever way, in building it. We therefore empower everyone to take time to understand their responsibilities, to take the time to recognise and commit to our health, safety & wellbeing objectives, and to always speak up if they see anything which they think could be safer.”
Creating a Safe Railway
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