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Your comments and questions are welcome but there are a few general house rules so the page doesn’t sink into the unhappy place found especially in parts of Facebook and online forums.
We welcome constructive comments on our posts but we do not tolerate racism, harassment, abuse, or threats to others.
We want everyone to feel comfortable about commenting and to have a positive experience on our channel.
Be kind and courteous
Stay on topic
Respect others
What’s not allowed:
Specifically, we do not tolerate comments that are:
Hateful in language targeting race/ethnicity, age, colour, creed, religion, gender, sexual preference or orientation, nationality or political beliefs. This includes comments which may treat with disrespect our strong relationship with our Mana Whenua forum.
Abusive, harassing, stalking, threatening or attacking others
Defamatory, offensive, obscene, vulgar or depicting violence
References to upsetting or distressing subjects
Sexually explicit or pornographic
Fraudulent, deceptive, libelous, misleading or unlawful
References to criminal or illegal activity
Violations of any intellectual property rights
Spamming in nature
Viruses or programs that could damage the operation of other people’s computers
Commercial solicitations or solicitation of donations.
What happens if there’s a breach of these rules?
We reserve the right to hide or delete comments made on our channels, as well as ban users who do not follow these guidelines.
We reserve the right to remove any comments or content that doesn’t adhere to these guidelines or with any other applicable Terms and Conditions, rules, or laws.
We also reserve the right to send any comments to law enforcement authorities for investigation as we feel necessary or is required by law.
For City Rail Link inquiries:
PHONE: 0800 CRL TALK (275 8255)
Waitematā Station (Britomart) - press option 1
Te Waihorotiu Station - press option 3
Karanga a Hape Station - press option 4
Maungawhau Station - press option 5
The Link Alliance office - press option 6
City Rail Link general - press option 7
Media enquiries 021 567 862
Waitematā Station (Britomart)
Te Waihorotiu Station
Karanga-a-Hape Station
Maungawhau Station
City Rail Link general
MAIL: City Rail Link Limited, PO Box 9681, Newmarket, Auckland 1149
For general CRL enquiries, email us using the form below
OFFICIAL INFORMATION ACT: City Rail Link Ltd (CRLL) is subject to the Official Information Act (OIA). Details on how to make a request are here.