Visit the Link Alliance Info Centre and learn about CRL
Download these and do some colouring-in!
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Kids designed tiles for our new Te Waihorotiu Station train station
We invited kids’ artworks to be fired onto ceramic tiles to decorate our new CRL Te Waihorotiu underground station.
A huge thank you to the thousands of primary school-aged kids from across New Zealand that made submissions!
All of your artwork which shows where you’d want to go on a train once the new underground rail project is built was amazing.
We cannot tell you how much joy your pictures have brought us, and we can’t wait to see them up at the station, which will be built to last 100-years or more.
Thanks kids. We love your work. And also thanks to the Ministry of Education, its schools, and Auckland Council’s Sustainable Schools programme.
If you have any questions about our School Art Project, please email
Watch children show off their entries
Here are more examples of work sent in.
Click on each picture to see the next one.

Examples of work from Glen Eden Primary School are here
Link Alliance national school competition
In 2021, the Link Alliance held a national school competition where students across the country designed the “Dream Public Transport Station”.
Over 200 students entered. Click below to view the winning entries for each age group category:
Learn about what some people have done at City Rail Link
These are people who worked for our contractors, the Link Alliance.
Learn more at this Link Alliance/City Rail Link education module created by LEARNZ, which is part of Core Education.