CRL has adopted and adapted the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) IS rating framework to evaluate, improve and verify sustainability performance.
The IS framework is a comprehensive rating and certification tool for evaluating sustainability across project design, construction and operation.
The CRL project has been designed to meet criteria across the framework's six themes:
Certification Highlights
The CRL has led the way as a pilot project for the use of the IS rating framework in NZ gaining the first ‘Leading’ rating awarded here. Surpassing the ‘Excellent’ rating targeted for the design phase and on track to meet this for as-built certification, with one final as-built certification required for Contract 3.
Certification highlights can be viewed at the links below:
Contract 2, Early Works, Leading IS Design Rating and
The IS rating tool has helped focus the project to:
Model and measure resource consumption
Identify and implement feasible opportunities to reduce consumption
Achieve significant reductions in resource use across the infrastructure lifecycle.
Mahi Rauora Aratohu
CRL worked with Mana Whenua to identify opportunities to respond to New Zealand's cultural context within this framework, ensuring the sustainability criteria are compatible with te ao Māori. This work, embedding cultural values across the IS framework, led to the creation of a custom-made CRL Technical Manual, titled Mahi Rauora Aratohu which is being used for contract 3.
Mahi rauora translates directly to 'work on the health of all things' and aratohu translates as 'pathway marker' but can be interpreted as guidance, meaning this is 'the guidance for our work on the health of all things.'