City Rail Link

The Link Alliance

The Link Alliance

Link Alliance

The Link Alliance is a consortium of seven companies, including CRL Ltd, which are delivering the main stations and tunnels for the CRL project.

Who we are

The Link Alliance includes six New Zealand and international companies with a wealth of experience in delivering large-scale infrastructure projects similar to the City Rail Link project both in New Zealand and overseas.

Three of the companies in the Link Alliance will focus on the design side of CRL and the other three with its construction.

Several of the companies already have some involvement with the CRL.

The Link Alliance comprises:

The Link Alliance was selected on the basis of a strong proposal that offered an experienced construction management team, significant commitment to the Alliance from the Executives of the construction firms involved. There was an efficient construction methodology and innovative engineering ideas.

Companies in such an alliance work together and share their expertise to deliver a project. It promotes innovation and flexibility and helps drive value for money.

Companies equally share the gains and the pains involved in the delivery of their project.

The Link Alliance brings a phenomenal amount of experience delivering major projects including:

  • NZ Transport Agency: Memorial Park Alliance Projects

  • MTR Hong Kong: Shatin to Central Link 1103

  • Qatar Railways Company: Doha Metro – Red Line South

  • Qatar Railways Company: Lusail Light Rail Transit, Contracts 1&2

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