City Rail Link

Community and Local Events

Community and Local Events

Community Liaison Group

Community Liaison Groups (CLGs) are an important part of how we communicate to our communities

Group membership represents a cross-section of the community, including residents, property owners, businesses and interest groups in each area.

The groups meet regularly as:

  • an avenue for local community representatives to understand and share what’s happening in their area during construction

  • a way to monitor and give feedback on the effects of construction on their community

  • provide input into the preparation of a variety of different management plans designed to help manage the impacts of construction.

Local events 

Karang-a-Hape Station often collaborates with and sponsors events with the Karangahape Business Association (KBA).  

First Thursdays, an event across Karangahape Road, takes place the first Thursday of every month from 5pm. Sponsored by the Link Alliance in collaboration with the KBA and Cross Street Music, the event sees music performed on the pocket park stage (the corner of Pitt Street and Karangahape Road) and a market set up around Beresford Square. Numerous other events take place along the road throughout the night each month. Details for each month can be found by keeping track of the KBA website and events page on Facebook. 

The Link Alliance also support and sponsor three major street-wide events each year.  
  Save the Dates

Freakout - Tāmaki Makaurau - 28 October 2023 

Anti-Valentines – A celebration of love and everything messy about it - Thursday 15 February 2024  

We also hold a free site perimeter tour the third Thursday of every month at 3pm-4pm.  

To sign up simply email or keep an eye out on the CRL Facebook events page.