Maungawhau / Mount Eden Station Newsletter - November 2022 — City Rail Link
City Rail Link

Maungawhau / Mount Eden Station Newsletter - November 2022

Maungawhau / Mount Eden Station Newsletter - November 2022
Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station November Newsletter
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30 November 2022
Structural steel being installed for the North Auckland Line (NAL) platform canopy. 

Kia ora, 

It has been a busy month for the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station as we’re nearing the end of the year. The team are welcoming the warm weather as they continue with their hard mahi before the holiday season. 

In our news this month, work is beaming along the North Auckland Line (NAL). In the east, crews are progressing well with construction of utilities and bringing up the road level to meet the new Normanby Road Bridge, which is still aiming to be opened to the public on 22nd December. Along the tracks for the Western Line, track building has commenced, which will be ongoing up until Christmas. 

If you have any questions about our work activities, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at or 0800 CRL TALK press 5 for Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station.

You can also follow Link Alliance’s progress by clicking the social media buttons below.

Ngā mihi,    
The Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station team

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Structures taking shape on main site

The future Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station and the underground City Rail Link (CRL) platform. 
Buildings are taking shape on our main site, which is exciting to see, as it gives an idea of what the finalised station and surrounding areas will look like.  

Showcasing beautiful concrete panels designed by local artist Graeme Tipene, our ventilation building’s design and function represent “Te Ha,” or the breath, of not only the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station, but for the entire City Rail Link (CRL) network. Over the last month, we’ve prepped and poured the concrete floor slab of level three, and by Christmas, we’ll have the final level of the concrete panels installed.  

Our teams have been enjoying views of the Maunga from our station building, and we’re looking forward to sharing these with our community when the station opens. Over the last month, we’ve landed the precast concrete panels for level one of the stations’ back-of-house area, and panels and structural steel for the ground level of the stations’ front-of-house area. By Christmas, we're aiming to have finished the floor slab for level one of the front-of-house area, and have the back-of-house structural steel in.  

You can find out more about our Maungawhau/Mount Eden buildings here.  

Upcoming Blocks of Line in December

Construction activities on the NAL platform taking place next to the live rail line. 
There will be a number of Blocks of Line (BOL) and upcoming night work taking place in the rail corridor in the lead-up to Christmas. BOL’s will be taking place this weekend (2nd – 5th December), as well as from the 16th – 19th December. In addition, our larger Christmas BOL will be from 26th December 2022 to 16th January 2023.  

We are undertaking work outside of our normal hours, including night work and weekends, for essential activities taking place over, on, or near the live train lines, when limited or no trains are running.  

During this period, crews will complete the new track for the second Western Line, and complete essential civils work near the live train lines. This work will include a tamper machine, construction of overhead lines, deliveries for track building equipment, installation of safety screens, and hoarding removals. These works will involve noise, lights, and people operating in the rail corridor during day and night.  

We encourage our neighbours to reach out to our community team to discuss support options for your wellbeing during these times.  

More information on the Christmas Block of Line will be available closer to the time.  

Check out our construction calendar for the latest updates about out-of-hours, or the website notifications page for updates on the ongoing work programme.   

Uplifting progress on Porters Bridge (that will elevate your spirits!)

Designs on the lift shaft at Porters Avenue Bridge.

Porters Avenue Bridge is nearly set to open, and we cannot wait! The final piece of work is to install elevators on both ends of the bridge. These are currently being mechanically and electrically fitted, which is taking place over November and December.  

Getting to this stage of the project didn’t happen overnight though. The team has worked tirelessly over the last year, lifting and shifting the pieces of the bridge, as they were bolted together like a jigsaw puzzle. So much so, that the bridge can be disassembled and moved to another location if needed, talk about sustainability! 

Designed by local artist Tessa Harris, in collaboration with Jasmax architects, the bridge is now starting to look the part. The stair panels are in place, and feature the triangle shapes representing the 48 mountains in Auckland. The lift shafts show architecturally-designed glass panels of the elevator, representing the Maunga and the history of the Maungawhau area, including the local basalt and the tools which were used here. 

The nearly completed elevators are designed to take 2.8 tonnes, or 28 people at one time! This leaves enough space for people to be able to get up and over the bridge, including those with wheelchairs, bikes, or prams, making for a truly accessible new route.  

We will keep you updated as the work progresses, and will invite you to join our celebrations once the full bridge opening is confirmed. It’s only up from here once the elevators are installed and running…see you at the top!  

On track! Towards the second line running for the Western Line

Base for the new track to be built completed on the right, next to the live train line. 

There was a big milestone for the project this month, as we started building the second track for the Western Line. The Western Line has had just a single line running since July 2020, when the Mount Eden Station was closed to make room to build the CRL project. The work includes a new platform and two new lines for the Western Line, a new station, and train lines that break off from the Western Line and connect to the new CRL tunnels, toward Waitemāta Station (Britomart). 

The second Western Line was successfully completed by our Civils teams, and handed over to our Systems team. The team have had a busy year, creating a strong base for the trains to run on, including drainage, walls, and excavating the final track alignment. Their hard mahi has paid off, as you can see from the stretch of track-base running from the east to the west, and past the new Western Line platform. 

Base for the new train line handed over to the Systems team, ready for the new tracks to be built. 

Our Systems team is responsible for putting the train line in to this space, and boy, are they making tracks! They have hit the ground running, with the ballast and tracks already in place. Building the track is a fast-paced activity, with the work going up until approximately Christmas. Some work needs to happen overnight, including activities near the live train line, or which use the train line for delivery or ballast, equipment, or machinery.  

Once the tracks are built, there is also the electrical fitout, signalling works, and other work that needs to happen on the second line running after the Easter Block of Line, next year. This is a great win for our teams, and a sign we are tracking well! 

New track building underway in a view from North Eden Apartments.

Kawhe and aihikirīmi this summer

Details for our coffee & ice cream carts.
It’s summer and we’re bringing back the hits!  

Come join us over December for a free kawhe (coffee) and aihikirīmi (ice cream)! We’ll be giving out treats at various locations and times around our Maungawhau/Mount Eden site, and we’d love to see you there!  

Movies in Te Manawa

Movie posters for The Polar Express & Hugo.
Images credited HERE and HERE.
Looking for somewhere to keep you or your kids entertained during the school holidays?  

What about an afternoon at the movies!? 

We’re thrilled to show some much-loved all ages films at our CRL Visitor Centre at Te Manawa. Come sink into a beanbag, snack on some popcorn, and join us for a free, train-themed flick on our big screen! 

Email to sign up. Numbers are limited, so get in quick! Please note, all children under the age of 14 will need to be supervised by an adult. 


  • 1pm Monday 19th December 2022       The Polar Express 

  • 1pm Monday 23rd January 2023             Hugo 


The CRL Visitor Centre at Te Manawa, 1 New North Road. 

Development Response Manager's Bloc review

The Bloc, located at 20 Normanby Road.
Wondering what to get your loved ones for Christmas? Why not pick out some cool designer ware at one of Bloc’s many stores! 

Like a mini department store on Normanby Road, Bloc offers stylish Danish furniture from BoConcept, gorgeous homeware from Citta, treasures for your wardrobe from Hej Hej, and much more. 

Bloc are also holding their very own festive markets every Saturday leading up to Christmas. Do get in, you’ll be in for a treat! 

Granted, some of the stores are more affordable than others, but their wide variety ensures that you will be able to solve that niggly ‘what to get’ gift problem. 

It would be fair to say that Bloc has gotten me excited about my Christmas shopping, although frankly, I just want to buy everything for myself! 

Jargon Buster: Hi-Railer

Each month we share technical terms from our construction, and ‘translate’ them into easy-to-understand language. This month we will look at ‘Hi-Railer’. 
Hi-Railer digger machine installing rails on the sleepers to build the track. 
Continuing our theme of track building, Hi-Railers are machines are dual-mode vehicles, meaning they can operate on both railroad tracks and roads. This versatile machine does pretty much anything. The Hi-railer digger can do anything that a digger does, but can run on the rail line – and is used for almost every activity during track building.  

The digger sits on adjusted flanged wheels, which are just like train wheels, and allows the digger to run along the train tracks without causing damage. The end of the digger can hold various attachments for digging or picking up rails, sleepers, or other track related equipment, making it a very busy machine indeed, and very handy when it comes building tracks! 

Info Hub and perimeter tour

On Tuesday, 6th December from 5-7pm, we welcome you to join us at 1 New North Road in the CRL Visitor Centre at Te Manawa. We're celebrating our progress this year, and will share a look into the upcoming Christmas Block of Line, with a very special Info Hub.  

We’ll provide specific information for neighbours going into the Christmas BOL, including upcoming construction activities, and and how our neighbours can reach out to us for support.  

There will also be a special appearance from the Elf and Safety Manager, games and activities for our tamariki, and a chance to engage with the Communications and Engagement team at Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station.  

Perimeter Walks 

Join the merriment of our next special perimeter tour on Tuesday 6th December, which is being led by Santa himself! Be in to win a voucher with our candycanes game during the walk.  

Our monthly perimeter tours around the Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station site are a huge hit! Tours take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 4:30pm and the last Saturday morning at 10am.   

Get in touch with our elves at to book your spot! 

Have your say!

CRL Visitor Centre at Te Manawa.

You have an opportunity to provide feedback, and we want to hear from you!  

Quarterly Stakeholder Survey is Live for 24 hours more 

You can tell us how you feel about engagement and communication at Maungawhau / Mount Eden Station, here: Stakeholder satisfaction survey 2022 Q4 

or copy and paste the URL below in your internet browser:  

We value your feedback. In the past, this has resulted in changes to the way we notify work, greater awareness of social media platforms, introduction of a construction calendar, and much more.  

One lucky winner will receive a $100 voucher to a local business, to say thanks for participating. 

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Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station - Link Alliance
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Eden Terrace
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