City Rail Link

Maungawhau works calendar

Maungawhau Station works calendar

Maungawhau Station construction activity calendar

This calendar highlights certain activity taking place across the Maungawhau Station construction site so our neighbours can be informed about upcoming works that are taking place, outside of our regular site activity. For a full list of all works taking place, please see the notifications section.

The Tunnel Boring Machine, mined tunnelling and supporting activities are now currently operating 24 hours on our main Mt Eden site. However, unless otherwise notified, our regular working hours for civil construction works remain 7am - 10pm Monday to Saturday, with works between 7pm and 10pm being minimised where possible.

If you would like to be added to the email database to receive notifications about all other upcoming works or have any questions about the calendar below, please email us at or call 0800 CRL TALK and choose option 5 to speak to the Mt Eden team.

City Rail Link Targeted Hardship Fund

Just a reminder that businesses can apply to receive financial support from City Rail Link Ltd’s $12m Targeted Hardship Fund.

This scheme was set up to support small businesses experiencing genuine hardship from major and sustained CRL disruption surrounding the Te Waihorotiu Station (Aotea), Karanga-a-Hape Station (Karangahape) and Maungawhau/Mount Eden Station sites (within the C3 Affected Area).

To find out more about the fund’s eligibility criteria, or how to apply, please visit the relevant section on this website or email