Dear Neighbour,
We are writing to update you about work that will soon be taking place in your area.
Geotechnical investigations
Starting Wednesday 22 July, we will be completing further geotechnical drilling investigations within the rail corridor adjacent to the North Eden Apartments. These investigations will enable us to accurately determine the location and depth of basalt in the soil, in preparation for future blasting activities.
Basalt is a hard volcanic rock and blasting is the most effective way to fracture it for removal as it avoids the need for prolonged and disruptive rock-breaking activities. The image below shows the location of the works outlined in red.
A 15t drilling rig, (pictured below) will be used to drill 10mm x 100mm diameter holes, spending approximately 3-4 hours on each hole. An exclusion zone will be in place around the work area to ensure the safety of the community and team. We will erect noise mats to help mitigate any noise from the drill rig. We will enter the work area via Ngahura Street and traffic and pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.
We anticipate it will take a maximum duration of one week to complete the investigations. Where possible, work will be limited to week days between 7am to 7pm.
Machinery arriving at Water Street site
On Tuesday 21 July we have 2 big pieces of machinery arriving on our Water Street site. The first is a 60t hydraulic rotary piling rig, the SR-40, that will arrive in preparation for piling works scheduled to start at the end of July. The second big machine is a hydraulic crawler crane which supports the piling rig during piling activities.
Piling to start end of July
Piling activities on the Eastern Facing Connection (EFC) are anticipated to start on Tuesday 28 July. This involves the use of some very large equipment such as the SR-40 piling rig and hydraulic crawler crane mentioned above. The rig and crane will sit on a working platform located in the EFC site establishment area and will be used to drill down into the ground at depths of 10 to 18 metres.
The piling rig drills into the ground using an auger inside metal tubular casings to form the pile shaft. Once the shaft has been drilled, the crawler crane lifts large metal cages into the shaft. Concrete is then pumped into the caged shaft, creating the pile. Piles will then be connected by a capping beam on top that will form the permanent retaining wall of the railway corridor of the North Auckland Line that will connect the existing line to the City Rail Link.
What to expect from piling
Because of the large equipment needed for piling and the type of activities being carried out, there will be noise, vibration and increased truck movements on site. The piling rig will be drilling the shafts, assisted by the crawler crane to lift the metal cages into place.
Concrete trucks will be making regular deliveries to the site, with several deliveries expected per day. There will also be regular deliveries of the large metal cages.
Managing the impacts from piling
As with all our works, we will be monitoring for noise, dust and vibration and have monitoring equipment in place that will alert us if we are going over set limits. We will also be:
- Using attended monitoring during construction of the first piles to measure noise and vibration levels so we can make adjustments to our construction methods, if necessary
- Receiving delivery of the large metal cages within normal working hours (where possible)
- Scheduling concrete deliveries within normal working hours (where possible)
- Keeping you informed and giving plenty of advance notice about any works that need to take place outside of normal working hours
Find out more
From Tuesday 7 July, the public is invited to drop-in to our site office at 97 Mt Eden Road between 4.30pm-6.30pm to talk to the Link Alliance team, ask questions and learn more about the CRL project and our Mt Eden works specifically. Going forward, these sessions will be held on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
Information and updates on Mt Eden Station construction works are available online at
If you have any questions or concerns about our works, please email the Mt Eden Station team at or phone us on 0800 CRL TALK and press option 5 for Mt Eden works.