An additional West-South connection was built in Newmarket’s busy junction in advance of the City Rail Link opening.
City Rail Link work at Newmarket junction – also known as the Newmarket triangle was undertaken as part of wider network improvements to support a more reliable and resilient rail service when City Rail Link is operational.
Works were delivered by contracting partners KiwiRail, and its suppliers, on behalf of City Rail Link Ltd. The works included the creation of a new connection between the Western Line to the Southern Line in the busy ‘triangle’ junction.
The new track layout will give more flexibility for rail operations and will also ensure trains can continue to run through Newmarket as redevelopment progresses in the coming years.
Once the City Rail Link is operational, these works will allow more trains to travel directly to south Auckland from West Auckland and vice versa.
What did we do?
KiwiRail built an additional connection between Auckland’s Southern and Western Lines.
This work was done in phases and involved:
Building new track foundations
Installing new overhead masts and tracks and new signalling systems
Extending the platform emergency egress.
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