Utility works for the proposed Aotea Station to start in spring
Early works are due to start along a prominent length of the City Rail Link corridor in spring.
Utility investigations around the Aotea Station are needed to gain information about the city’s power and gas supply, water pipes, stormwater drains and internet cables that lie beneath the streetscape.
Several investigations will take place in several small sections between Wyndham and Wellesley Streets, and are due to be completed in stages from September 2019 until mid 2020. During this time, our crews will also relocate the utilities to a more suitable location ahead of the construction of the station. We’ll also be working with community in the area to minimise the impacts of construction as much as possible.
Relocation is necessary because current utility locations may clash with the alignment of the piles that will support the station structure. By confirming our assumptions about where exactly the utilities lie, we’ll be able to provide a safer and more certain design for our contractors.
These diversions can be disruptive so we will work to manage any negative impacts as practicably as possible. It’s likely there could be some noise from the concrete cutting, minor excavations and hydrovac machines which suck the material from the services. Noise mats will be used to help buffer the ground-floor businesses and pedestrians from work-related noise.
Main works are due to begin in 2020.
More information can be found here.