City Rail Link

Newsletter - April 2021

Newsletter - April 2021

Pohutukawa Return Home

Large flat deck truck carrying a large Pohutakawa tree,outside the Auckland Ferry building at night.

Several 40-year-old pohutukawa from a neighbouring project – the Downtown Programme on Quay Street - have returned home in the cover of dark as part of a plan to protect and boost Auckland’s urban ngahere/forest.

The first was transplanted while Auckland slept in a nine-hour crane operation in late April.

More than a year ago, these trees were carefully uplifted from Quay Street and moved to their temporary home in Teal Park and have been carefully looked after by a dedicated team of Auckland Council arborists.

Mayor Phil Goff said he was pleased for the added shade and much-needed greenery in the city centre.

“Trees make our city a more pleasant place to live and visit and studies show they have a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of the community,” he said.

To find out more click here.

Nigel Horrocks