City Rail Link

Newsletter - January 2021

Newsletter - January 2021

New Info Centre Open


A bright green information centre called Te Pūkaki has opened in the middle of the city.

Te Pūkaki is the Te Reo Māori word for stream. It is named after the ancient Wai Horotiu stream that flowed down Queen Street into the Waitematā harbour. The popular stream provided a source of sustenance for Māori. It was used as both drinking water and for trapping eels and birds to feed on.

Located by Aotea station works on Wellesley Street West (by Mojo Café), Te Pūkaki was opened in late January after a welcome ceremony involving Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei representatives.

Pūkaki also means ‘source’ and the information hub will be used as central source of information to inform public about the developments on the City Rail Link (CRL) project.

The info-centre was created by the Link Alliance as a shared space to learn more about the station, upcoming construction milestones, and the benefits of the CRL.

The Aotea Team welcome people to drop in between 11am – 1pm weekdays.

Nigel Horrocks