City Rail Link is committed to a robust and transparent procurement process focused on risk management, value and ensuring a fair and equitable outcome.
The Link Alliance Background
The Link Alliance was formed to deliver the City Rail Link 3.45km twin tunnel underground rail line from Auckland’s Waitematā Station (Britomart) to a redeveloped Maungawhau Station.
The design and construction of two new underground stations Te Waihorotiu Station and Karanga-a-Hape Station and a long-term maintenance contract are part of this transformational project.
Contracts Available
Link Alliance is currently finalising a complete list of tender packages and will make this list available to view when it’s ready.
Packages will include a combination of works including, but not limited to civil, architectural, MEP, rail-systems and tunnelling works.
Suppliers who register through BidContender (see Supplier Registration below) will be advised when the list has been posted.
Sustainable and Social Procurement
Link Alliance is committed to achieving excellent cultural, social environmental and economic outcomes throughout design and construction through:
Reduced resource use and greenhouse gas emissions
Training and employment opportunities for mana whenua, Māori, Pasifika and youth
Opportunities for Social enterprises and socially innovative businesses with a focus on mana whenua, Māori and Pasifika businesses
Link Alliance Sustainable Procurement Policy
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Supplier Registration
Link Alliance is inviting all interested suppliers to register their interest with us. To register, follow the instructions below:
New Zealand
Link Alliance manages all local suppliers through BidContender and require all New Zealand suppliers to register their company details through this system. Once connected to BidContender, Link Alliance would be able to invite your organisation to participate when each package is released.
1. Register your company on BidContender:
Please include the products and services your organisation provides and ensure you include an email address and phone number for the primary contact.
Send a connection request to Link Alliance Organisation on BidContender:
This can be done by clicking ‘Network Directory’ on the main page, then ‘Find Head Contractors’ and search for ‘Link Alliance Organisation’. If you are unable to send us a request, advise us directly via email
Link Alliance will confirm requests within two business days.
If you have not received confirmation of your request within two business days, please: email
Outside New Zealand
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4. Fill out the form and email to
5. Link Alliance will confirm receipt of your form within two business days.
More information
Link Alliance may be in contact and request further information from your organisation if required.
Tender Bids
A list of Link Alliance tender packages is being prepared and will be posted on this page. The list will provide indicative opening and closing dates for each tender as well as an approximate budget. Suppliers who have registered through BidContender will be advised when this is posted.
Clearly date-marked updates to this list of Tender Alliance tender packages will be posted on this page from time to time. Please check this page for these updates.
Tender bid invitations: will be sent to invited shortlisted suppliers only through BidContender.
Supplier shortlists will be nominated by the wider Link Alliance procurement team and approved by the Link Alliance procurement committee based on their knowledge of contenders and information suppliers have shared on their BidContender profile. Suppliers should not send unsolicited information to Link Alliance.
July 2019 Signing of The Link Alliance - news release
City Rail Link Ltd’s commitment to transform public transport in Auckland took a huge step forward today when it signed a contract with the Link Alliance to build the main stations-and-tunnels programme of work for the City Rail Link (CRL).
Transport Minister Phil Twyford, Auckland Mayor Phil Goff, CRL Ltd, the Link Alliance and kaumatua representing Tāmaki Makaurau Iwi were present for the signing as were project partners KiwiRail and Auckland Transport.
Mr Twyford says the signing is significant for Auckland and for New Zealand.
From left to right - Auckland deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore, Transport Minister Phil Twyford, CRLL Chair Sir Brian Roche, Auckland Mayor Phil Goff.
“Given the competition world-wide to build infrastructure, the whole country can take pride in the fact that such a high calibre of international companies want to come here and help build a better future for New Zealand,” Mr Twyford says.
Mr Goff describes CRL as a gamechanger for Auckland.
“It will double the capacity of our rail network, reduce travel times into and through the central city, and help take cars off the roads, as well as driving investment in our region. The signing of this agreement will help ensure the delivery of the world-class transport system our city needs.
“With the population of Auckland growing by 40,000 a year and public transport journeys exceeding 100 million in the past year, the completion of CRL can’t come soon enough,” Mr Goff says.
Signing the Project Alliance Agreement (PAA) formally clears the way for the three construction companies and three design companies in the Link Alliance, together with CRL Ltd, to start work building two new inner-city underground stations, upgrading the existing Mt Eden station, and completing tunnel construction. It is the single biggest programme of work for CRL, known as the C3 contract.
“Our signatures drying on the PAA represent a significant milestone not only in the history of this project, but for Auckland’s future as well with the delivery of a modern rail network,” says City Rail Link Ltd’s Chief Executive, Dr Sean Sweeney, said.
The New Zealand and international companies in the Link Alliance are Vinci Construction Grands Projets S.A.S, Downer NZ Ltd, Soletanche Bachy International NZ Limited, WSP Opus (NZ) Limited, AECOM New Zealand Limited and Tonkin+Taylor Limited.
Dr Sweeney says the companies have a proven record of delivering large and complex infrastructure.
“Aucklanders can be confident that a project transforming the way they travel, live and work will be delivered to a high standard, on time in 2024, and on budget, leaving behind an outstanding legacy for the city,” he says.
The Chairman of the Project Alliance Board, Pierre Bourgeois, says the Link Alliance is proud and excited to be delivering a landmark project for Auckland.
“As a truly international team with members from more than 25 countries, we look forward to working alongside local communities to safely construct the City Rail Link over the next five years. Together with CRL Limited, we are committed to realising the outstanding legacy CRL will leave for New Zealand’s biggest city,” Mr Bourgeois says.
The PAA and other project-related documents were signed inside the Chief Post Office heritage building in central Auckland, whose 4000 tonnes of 106-year-old masonry is being suspended on temporary foundations above the construction of a section of the tunnel below it.
The signing follows CRL Ltd’s announcements last April of the Link Alliance as its preferred bidder, and details of a $1 billion increase in the project to $4.4 billion after a rigorous and comprehensive review of project costs. The project’s two sponsors – The Crown and Auckland Council – subsequently approved CRL Ltd’s request for additional funding.
To ensure project momentum was not lost, the Link Alliance began work on a $75 million Early Works Contract while commercial and legal negotiations continued to finalise the PAA.
Construction of three smaller sections of the project at lower Queen Street/Britomart and north Albert Street in the city centre and utility-based work at Mt Eden are already underway.