City Rail Link

Newsletter - September 2021

Newsletter - September 2021

Huia 2 Relocation


The relocation of the Huia 2 watermain in Mt Eden has been a complex part of the project, lasting several months, but is now in the final stage of completion with the cutover approaching. 

The Huia 2 watermain is an important piece of infrastructure for the water supply in the local area. At 1.3 metres in diameter, the pipe runs about 15 kilometres from the initiation point at the Huia Treatment Plant in Titirangi, to the Khyber Pass reservoirs. 

Around the Mt Eden Station construction area, two portions of this pipe needed to be relocated. 

The first portion of the pipe is a 150 metre section located in Fenton Street. 

The location of the yet to be built, Fenton/Ngahura Street pedestrian bridge and the realignment of the North Auckland Rail Line meant that the pipe interfered with the substantial groundworks required for these structures and therefore needed to be moved. 

The second portion is a 180 metre section of pipe located between Ruru Street and Nikau Street. 

Construction of the concrete trough that will contain the MC20/30 tracks needs to commence and the Huia 2 relocation enables this work to proceed. The move will place the new sections of the pipe underneath the new station building and the concrete trough, housing the realigned track. 

The final stage is the cutover where the existing and new pipes are welded together after a stringent process of testing, draining, cleaning and finally joining. Once this is complete, the new pipe will carry the water and the old pipe will be redundant. 

Completion of the new Huia 2 watermain will ensure that Watercare can continue to provide uninterrupted, high-quality water to the local area and enable the work on the City Rail Link to proceed. 

Nigel Horrocks